you are liable to pay income tax if you earn more than:


For the 2018 year of assessment (1 March 2017 – 28 February 2018)

  • R75 750 if you are younger than 65 years.
  • If you are 65 years of age or older, the tax threshold (i.e. the amount above which income tax becomes payable) increases to R117 300.
  • For taxpayers aged 75 years and older, this threshold is R131 150.


For the 2017 year of assessment (1 March 2016 – 28 February 2017)

  • R75 000 if you are younger than 65 years.
  • If you are 65 years of age or older, the tax threshold (i.e. the amount above which income tax becomes payable) increases to R116 150.
  • For taxpayers aged 75 years and older, this threshold is R129 850


Top tip: You don’t need to file if your total salary for the year before tax is not more than R350 000, provided:

  • You only have one employer (but remember if you have two employers or income sources e.g. late spouse / partner pension income, exam markings income, rental income, moonlighting income etc you do need to file even if the total is still under R350 000)
  • You have no car allowance or other income (e.g. interest or rent)
  • You are not claiming tax related deductions (e.g. medical expenses, retirement annuity contributions, travel expenses, etc)
  • You received interest from a source in South Africa not exceeding –

– R23 800 if you are below the age of 65 years; or
– R34 500 if you aged 65 years or older.

  • Dividends were paid to you and you were a non-resident during the 2016 year of assessment.